今週の朝礼 令和4年6月 Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week June, 2022
朝礼の講話をご紹介します。 Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!
令和4年6月27日(月曜日) 『誕生祭』 草野心平・作 算数少人数・O.S.先生・朗読
Monday, June 27th, 2022 "The Birthday Ceremony" by Kusano Shimpei, read by Mr. O.S., a math teacher
The morning assembly speech of the week was book-reading by Mr. O. S., a math teacher. The title of the story is "The Birthday Ceremony" written by Kusano Shimpei. (You can listen to the book-reading in the Parents' site of this homepage.)
令和4年6月20日(月曜日) 「すみだ水族館のチンアナゴ」 4年担任Y.Y.先生
チンアナゴにはたくさんの種類がありますが、皆さんがよく見る種類のものを紹介します。一つ目はチンアナゴという名前通りの種類です。白くて黒い点々があるのが特徴です。二つ目はニシキアナゴという種類です。オレンジ色と白のしましま模様をしています。かわいいですね。そして、野生のチンアナゴは暖かい海の地域に住んでいます。このように砂に穴を掘ってそこを住む場所にしています。では、ここで一つクイズです。チンアナゴの砂の中の様子を見たことのある人はいますか?この写真の?のところはどうなっていると思いますか?少し考えてみてください。皆さん、予想はできましたか? 答えはこうなっています。チンアナゴは下にとても長いのですね。成長すると何と40センチくらいにもなるそうです。40センチはこれくらいです。長いですね!
Monday, June 20th, 2022 "Spotted Graden Eel in Sumida Acquarium" by Ms. Y.Y., a 4th grade teacher
Good morning! I'm Y. Y., the homeroom teacher of 4-2. Sumida City, where you live, has a very famous thing worldwide. You see it every day if you are a Sumida citizen. Yes, it's the Sky Tree. So, I'll talk about ... not the Sky Tree, but Sumida Aquarium next to the Sky Tree. Have you ever visited the aquarium? I did last weekend. You can see a creature that I love. Can you guess what that is? It's the spotted garden eel! You can see a lot of spotted garden eels there. They are strange creatures. I'll introduce what they are like to you today.
There are many kinds of garden eels. One is the spotted garden eel. It has a white body with black dots on it. Another one is the splendid garden eel. It has a striped pattern of orange and white. How cute it is!
Wild spotted garden eels live in warm seas. They live in a hole in the sand. Now I'll give you a quiz. Have you ever seen its body in the sand? What do you think the "?" part of this picture is like? Can you guess? Look! The body in the sand is like this! It has a long body in the sand! It grows about 40 centimeters long. Forty centimeters is this long! Very long, isn't it?
Lastly, I'll show you my Spotted Garden Eel item! It's this T-shirt of spotted garden eels! My mother gave it to me on my birthday. Don't you think it's cute?
I've talked about spotted garden eels today. There are many other creatures, too, in Sumida Aquarium. Please visit it someday. That's all for today. Thank you for listening.
令和4年6月13日(月曜日) 「6月生まれの偉人 〜サンテグジュペリ〜」 1年担任T.M.先生
Monday, June 13th, 2022 "Saint-Exupery - one of the world's greatest people born in June -"
Good morning, everyone! I'm T. M., the homeroom teacher of 1-1.
Two weeks have passed since June began. Today I will talk about the world's great people born in June. They include Gauguin, a painter; Mito Mitsukuni, who is known as Mito Komon; and Helen Keller, who worked for disabled people's education. Among them, I'd like to talk about Saint-Exupery, a writer. Saint-Exupery was born in a noble family in France in 1900. He loved airplanes from childhood and became a pilot for the transport of mail by air and long distant patrol in the Air Force. He passed away in 1944 when he left Corsica as a pilot in the airforce during WWII.
Saint-Exupery wrote some novels about his experience as a pilot. Many of you may know "The Little Prince." This is a story in which a pilot who made an emergency landing in the middle of a desert met a prince who only wanted to know the truth. The prince traveled to three stars and got to the earth at last. He met a boa and a fox. The fox's words, "You can only see things with your heart. The important things cannot be seen with eyes," are very famous.
I want you to read this book when you are still children and when you grow up. I hope you'll discover many good books.
That's all. Thank you for listening.
令和4年6月6日(月曜日) 「頼ってばかりのエディ 〜自分で、自分から〜」 川中子校長
さて、今日は、教育目標「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」についてお話しします。皆さん、このポスターを見たことありますか? 「自分で、自分から」と書いてありますね。今日は、お父さんやお母さんに頼ってばかりで、自分で何もできなかったカモメのエディのお話を紹介します。
「え? 自分で魚を捕まえる? そんなのできるわけないよ!」と驚いたエディは言いました。
「でも、僕はまだできないよ!」 パニックになったエディは叫びます。
「自分で魚を捕まえる? あんな下の海まで飛び込むの?」
あなたはどうかな? 本当は自分でできるのに、誰かに頼っていることはないかな?
自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人になるために、まずは「自分で、自分から」を心がけてください。
Monday, June 6th "Dependant Eddie" by Principal Kawanago
Good morning. June has begun. It's getting warmer. You must be very careful of heat stroke. Drink water often, and take off your mask when you are outside. During P.E. class, break time, and on your way to school and home, you can remove your mask. However, please don't talk loud and maintain physical distancing.
So, today I'm going to talk about our school's educational goal: Independence - A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently. Have you ever seen this poster? "By yourself. From yourself." I'll read a story of a seagull, Eddie, that is fully dependent on his parents. Please listen.
"Dependant Eddie" (Copyright: Franklin Covey, Japan Education Team)
Dependant Eddie lived on a high cliff with many other baby birds.
Every day, Eddie's parents bring fish and put them in his mouth when he's hungry. Eddie loved to live without worries.
One day, his father seriously approached hungry Eddie without any fish. "My loving son, Eddie. You dive into the sea and catch fish!"
"What? Me catch fish? No way!" said Eddie, surprised.
"Eddie, you must catch fish yourself and learn to live for yourself. You'll know your potential and joy!" nudged his father.
However, dependant Eddie said, "But I like to get what I want by doing nothing!"
"Nobody has such a right, Eddie. You must fly out of your nest for yourself!"
"Then, why did you fetch me fish every day?" asked Eddie.
"We have helped you until you grow up enough to catch fish."
"I can't! I can't!" Eddie panicked.
"We, mom and dad, believe you can do it!" said his father. "Eddie, you have a strong possibility!"
"But I'm too scared to get out of the nest!"
"Eddie, you just don't know what you can do! Stretch out your wings and fly!"
"Catch fish by myself? Will I dive into the sea such below?!"
"Well... can I make it?" Eddie changed his mind and decided to dive into the sea.
"Oh, I made it!"
"I saw a lot of fish in the sea!"
"That's right. There's a lot of fish in the sea. What's important is to know the fact and how to take action." Eddie's parents looked very proud of him.
How about you? Aren't you dependent on others for things you can do by yourself?
The end.
What did you think?
To become a person who learns, thinks, and acts independently; keep in mind the attitude, "By yourself. From yourself."
Thank you for listening.