今週の朝礼 令和4年7月 Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week July, 2022
朝礼の講話をご紹介します。 Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!
7月19日(火曜日) 「夏休みにきをつけてほしいこと」 川中子校長、向島警察署、生活指導主任
令和4年7月11日(月曜日) 「死海」について 4年担任I.Y.先生
Monday, July 11th, 2022 "The Dead Sea" by Ms. I. Y., a fourth grade teacher
Good morning! I'm I. Y., the homeroom teacher of 4-1. Today I'll show you magic!
You see some water and an egg. I'll put the egg in the water. Do you think it'll float or sink? I'll put it in! Yes, it has sunk. Eggs sink in water. However, I'll cast a spell! Float, float, float... (The egg has floated.) Were you surprised? To tell the truth, this water is NOT mere water. I have put something in it. It's something you have at home. What did I put in the water to make the egg float? The answer is ... this salt! It's an ordinary salt everyone uses for cooking. You can make an egg float if you put a lot of salt in the water. You put 60g of salt in 200ml of water. 60g of salt is this much! It's as ten times salty as seawater. Very salty.
There is a very salty lake like this water in the world. It's the Dead Sea that is located between Israel and Jodan. The water in the Dead Sea is too salty for fish and other creatures to live in. You can see stones with much salt all around the lake. I visited the Dead Sea more than ten years ago and floated in the water. You can easily float, and you can even read a newspaper!
Summer vacation is coming closer. I want you to examine what you are interested in and experiment. It'll be much fun!
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.
令和4年7月4日(月曜日) 「しあわせはいつもじぶんのこころがきめる」 川中子校長
さて、皆さん、これを覚えていますか? 4月の暗唱課題にもした、相田みつをさんの言葉です。しあわせはいつもじぶんのこころがきめる、と書いてありますね。今日は、皆さんに、この言葉の意味を考えてもらいたいと思います。今日も、お話を一つ紹介します。マリアという女の子のお話です。題は、「自分の天気をもつ」です。それでは、聞いてみてください。
「自分の天気をもつ」 (フランクリン・コヴィ・ジャパン・エデュケーションチーム作)
いろんなことがうまくいかないとき、元気を出すためにどんなことができるでしょうか? マリアに声をかけたみんなは、太陽のように元気でした。元気のなかったマリアとの違いは何だと思いますか? おしまい。
どうでしたか。マリアは何度も幸せになるチャンスがあったのに、ぜんぶ無駄にしてしまっていましたね。「幸せはいつも、自分の心が決める」 皆さんも、不幸せなほうでなく、いつも幸せの方を選んでいけるといいですね。
Monday, July 4th, 2022 "Happiness Is What We Choose" by Principal Kawanago
Good morning, everyone! July has started. The rainy season is already over this year, which is irregular! As the rainy season is over, we have had sweltering days. Heat stroke is very dangerous, more than you think. It is said that, at first, you'll be absent-minded, tired, or sleepy. When you feel like that, please tell any teachers and take a rest in an air-conditioned, cool place.
Many people in Japan got heatstroke when they had a mask on. On your way to school/home, you don't have to wear a mask when you are outside. Even in classrooms, you can take off your mask, except for talking in groups. Covid 19 is not a disease that kills us in an instant, but heatstroke does. I want you to be very careful about it.
By the way, do you remember this? (Showing a card) It's Aida Mitsuo's words, which I showed you as recitation material in April. He wrote; "Shiawasewa itsumo jibunno kokoroga kimeru (Happiness is what you choose.)" Today I want you to think about these words. I will read a story today, too. It's a story about a girl named Maria. The title is "To Have My Own Weather." Please listen.
"To Have My Own Weather" (Copyright: Franklyn-Covie Japan Education Team)
A neighbor said to Maria, "Have a good day!" on her way to school. "No way! I'll be mad all day today," complained Maria, "'cause I couldn't sleep well last night!"
A kind woman police officer said to her, "You're pretty like a flower!" "But I feel terrible," answered Maria. "I didn't like my breakfast at all!"
"Good morning, Maria!" said a classmate when she got to school. "It's NOT a GOOD morning at all!" said sullen Maria. "It started raining!"
"Cheer up, Maria!" said Billy. "We have the School Party today!" "I'll never cheer up," said Maria with a grimace. "I've been upset since my dog ate my ice cream!"
"Good job, Maria!" praised her teacher. "Yours was the best score!" "I don't care!" mumbled Maria. "I have to come to school alone 'cause I have no friends."
What can you do to cheer yourself up when things go wrong? The people who talked to Maria were all well and bright, like the sun. What is the difference between them and Maria? The end.
How did you like the story? Maria wasted all her chances to become happy, didn't she? "Happiness is what you choose." I hope you can always choose happiness rather than unhappiness. That's all. Thank you for listening.