今週の朝礼 令和4年4月 Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week April, 2022
朝礼の講話をご紹介します Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!
令和4年4月25日(月曜日) 「失敗すること〜凍ったフリーダ」 川中子校長
「凍ったフリーダ」 (フランクリン・コヴィ・ジャパン・エデュケーション 作)
フリーダが凍ってからまもなく、みんなはフリーダをいろんなことに使い始めました。 フリーダ自身も、人の役に立っているのかなと思っていました。暑い日には、フリーダの隣に座って涼む人もいました。ジュースを冷やすために、手に持たせる人もいました。
あなたも、失敗するのが怖いですか? おしまい
「つまづいたっていいじゃないか にんげんだもの」
Monday, April 25th, 2022 "Frozen Frieda ~ About Making Mistakes" by Principal Kawanago
(C) Franklin Covey Education Japan.co., Ltd.
Good morning. Do you often raise your hand and tell your opinions to your classmates? I think some of you don't like to do it. Today I'm going to read a story about a girl whose name is Frieda. Please listen, and compare her story with yourself.
"Frozen Frieda" (by Franklin Covey Japan Education)
Frieda has frozen. It's not because she was very cold, but she has not been able to move, like ice. Nobody knows when Frieda started to freeze. Some say it was in second grade, when Mr. Summers asked her, "Why is a snowman afraid of spring?" Others say it was in kindergarten, when she first did Show and Tell in front of her classmates, and showed Trudy, her pet turtle, who was ashamed and hid in her shell.
Nobody knows when Frieda started to freeze, but we all know why she froze. She froze because she was afraid. She was so scared of making mistakes. She couldn't do anything because she was afraid of making mistakes. Now she just stands in a comfortable place outside of the classroom by the window. Everybody began to use her after she froze. Frieda thought she was a little help to others. Some come beside her and rest when it is hot. Some get her to hold a lemonade jar to cool it.
However, as time went by, Frieda realized that she was losing her opportunities to have experiences, grow up, and be happy because she was afraid of making mistakes.
At that time, Mr. Summers made her look at what she hadn't wanted to see. First of all, he showed a girl who skipped a rope, and was caught many times, but she tried again and again. Frieda also saw a boy who miscalculated but corrected the mistake by himself. Looking around carefully, she found that many people often made mistakes. Then she accepted that it's OK to make mistakes and realized we all need the experience of making mistakes.
Frieda began to melt when she realized how important it was to make mistakes for her growth and learning. She became good at skipping rope, played with her mates, and let Trudy out of her shell. Also, she could make a presentation on why a snowman is afraid of spring in front of her classmates. She finally understood what Mr. Summers always said: You'll not be scared of mistakes when you accept them and understand them correctly.
Are you afraid of making mistakes?
That's all.
I'm glad to know Frieda melted and became free! As Frieda learned, everyone makes mistakes. Human beings are not God; no one is perfect. Mistakes are nothing to be scared of or ashamed of. When you make a mistake, you can try again! If someone makes a mistake, please kindly say, "It's all right! You can do it!" And, please remember the poem for the April Recitation:
"Tsumazuitatte iijanaika, ningendamono (It's all right to fail, because we are human.)."
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.
令和4年4月18日(月曜日) 「三吾小の二つの教室」 川中子校長
おはようございます。学校が始まって10日ほどになりますが、みなさん毎日楽しく学校に通えていますか。新しい先生やお友達とは、もう仲良しになりましたか。今日は、教育目標の「共生 思いやりをもち、共に生きる人」にちなんで、三吾小にある、二つの「教室」の紹介をします。
Monday, April 18th, 2022 "Two Special Classrooms We Have At School" by Principal Kawanago
Good morning, everyone. It's been about ten days since school began. How have you been? Are you enjoying school? Have you made friends with your new teacher and classmates yet?
Today I'll introduce two special classrooms we have at school to you, relating to one of our our school educational goals, "Living Together - A person who lives together with empathy."
The first classroom is the "Study Room MIDORI," which just opened last spring. It is located on the west side of the third floor, next to the fifth-grade classrooms. The room once was the Lunch Room, clean and bright. It's a comfortable room. I put a foliage plant and green partitions in the room to match its name, Midori (Green).
Have you ever felt like "I want to be alone" as you quarreled with your friends or had something to worry about? Study Room MIDORI is a room where you keep away from others, can rest in a quiet place, and cool down when you are upset or angry. Also, some students have difficulty being with many people. We made the classroom for those students, so they have a place to stay calm.
Anybody can use Midori, but please ask your teacher first. We'll be worried if you disappear. Also, please remember to leave your friend alone when he/she is there. Leaving someone alone is a kindness sometimes, and so is saying, "Are you all right?" For the students in Midori, leaving them alone is a better kindness. When you worry about your friends, please say kind words when they return to the classroom.
The other classroom is this: the Room for Learning. It is located on the first floor, next to the school nurse's room. I believe some of your classmates use the room.
Everyone has something they are good at and poor at. You can spontaneously improve what you are good at by practicing, reading books, etc. However, we can't easily improve what we are poor at. At the Room for Learning, students can think and practice what they should do with the special teachers there. As they learn to achieve their own goals, they'll leave the class after they complete them well.
Not just any students can learn at the Room for Learning. Parents and teachers do an entrance procedure for students. Special teachers from Daisan Terajima Elementary School come to teach the students.
We have many, many students. You are all different from each other. It's fun to live with others, but sometimes it's hard to deal with them. Yet, I want you to think like the poem by Kaneko Misuzu: "Everyone is different; everyone is good."
Now, I'd like to introduce the teachers of the Room for Learning this school year.
令和4年4月11日(月曜日) 「三吾小の朝礼について」 川中子校長
Monday, April 11th, 2022 "The Morning Assembly of San-Azu Elementary School" by Principal Kawanago
Good morning!
Today we have the first morning assembly of the 2022-23 school year. I will talk about the morning assembly of our school.
We have a morning assembly on Monday morning, or the next day if Monday is a holiday. We start it at 8:30 a.m. I wish we could have it together on the grounds or in the gym, but we have it in classrooms like this due to the coronavirus. A morning assembly is a meaningful ceremony. You should behave well when taking part in it. By the time we start the assembly, please tidy up your desk and your bag.
First of all, you say our school's educational goals after the representative students in the 6th grade. When the sixth graders say the first part, you say the last part. When you say 'Good morning,' say it with a smile cheerfully.
Next, you'll hear teachers' speeches. Every teacher will make a speech during a morning assembly at our school. Last year, according to the students' Questionaire, morning assembly speeches got nine points out of ten, with ten being the max score! Students liked the teachers' speeches! We're looking forward to our teachers' speeches this school year.
In addition, we'll have some reports from students' committees and commendations for students who play an active part. Usually, it takes about eight minutes in total.
I hope we'll be able to have morning assemblies on the grounds again after the coronavirus is stamped out. Anyway, please cheerfully participate in the assembly on the first day of the week.
令和4年4月6日(水曜日) 始業式 式辞 川中子校長
自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人。まずは、学校の勉強を頑張りましょう。学校でする勉強は、将来自分一人で学び続けることができるようになるための練習です。つまり、学校で教わるのは勉強の内容ばかりでなく、勉強の仕方そのものです。そして学んだことを元に、どう考えればいいのかを練習します。そうやって、自分で、自分から、進んで正しいことができるようになってほしいと思います。
共生 思いやりをもち、共に生きる人。人は周りの人や、会うこともないたくさんの人たちの支えがあって、生きているのです。人だけではありません。空気や水、太陽の光、動物や植物、そして目に見えない様々なものまでがいて、初めて私達は生きています。そして、あなた自身も、他のすべての人たちのために大切な役割を果たしています。このバランスが崩れてしまうと、みんなが生きていかれなくなります。このバランスを大切に保つために、絶対に必要なのが「思いやり」です。思いやりは、すべての大元になければなりません。思いやりを大切にしていってください。
健康 しなやかで丈夫なこころとからだをもつ人。どんなことを頑張ろうと思っても、元気でなければ頑張ることができません。しなやかで丈夫なこころと体も、私達にはなくてはならないものですね。今はコロナの影響もまだまだ心配ですが、感染予防に努め、体を鍛え、こころを強くしていきましょう。
自立、共生、健康。この三つの柱はどれも同じように大切なものですが、今年度は、特に「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になってもらいたいと考えています。これからいろんな場面でこのことを意識してもらうようなお話をしていきますので、皆さんはよく覚えておいてください。
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 The Opening Ceremony Address by Principal Kawanago
Good morning! Spring vacation is over, and you are one grade older now. Congratulations to all of you! Today we have had eight new students and will welcome 90 new first-grade students! The new school year starts with 562 students in our school!
Spring is the season for farewell and encounters. As I just told you, some teachers and janitors changed this spring. We have just started a new school year! You make your school life that has just started in your classroom a good one.
I will tell you what I want you to keep up with at the beginning of the new school year. Although I'm sure, you know that well, I want to remind you of it again today. Yes, of course. It's our school's educational goals; "Independence," "Living Together," and "Health."
"Independence: A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently." Study hard at school. The study you do at school is a practice for learning by yourself. That is to say, what you learn at school is not only the contents of the subjects but also the way to learn itself. Also, you'll practice thinking by yourself with what you have learned. I hope you'll become a person who learns, thinks, and acts independently.
"Living Together: A person who lives together with empathy." One can not live alone. We live with the support of many people, familiar and unfamiliar. Not only people but with air, water, sunlight, animals and plants, and invisible creatures. Also, you are an essential part of it for other people. We cannot live without this balance. We must keep this balance, and we need "empathy" for that. Empathy should be the basis of everything. Please treasure your empathy.
"Health: A person who has a supple and strong mind and body." We cannot work hard if we are not healthy. We're sure to need a supple and strong mind and body. We must try to train our bodies as much as possible and make our minds strong.
"Independence," "Living Together," and "Health." These three columns are equally important. However, I especially want you to try on "Independence A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently." I'll talk about it many times this year.
So, we'll try hard for you to stay safe and always smiling.
Thank you for listening.